Putting My Experience
to Work
Born and raised in Southwest Missouri, John Russell has been in business for over a decade. Russell serves as President of his business, Pillar Insurance and has been involved with a local family manufacturing business, L&W Industries. He looks to these experiences as benefits for someone involved in government.
While this is the only public office he has held, Russell's commitment to public service spans over 20 years including his time as Deputy Chief of Staff for former Governor Matt Blunt. Russell's top priorities for the Commission include trust & transparency, fiscal responsibility and efficiency in government. As commissioner, Russell has been committed to a county government you can trust - based on transparency and fiscal responsibility.
He is the husband of Jenilee and proud father of two children.

Trust has been a big issue for Greene County government in recent years. We have made much progress over the last year in reestablishing accountability and trust, but it is certainly an ongoing process to maintain confidence. Taxpayers' confidence is key to trust in your county government. Since coming on the commission in 2019, I have worked with other commissioners to focus on establishing a greater trust and accountability.

We must approach the budget process with discipline; we are always looking for efficiencies and savings to maximize the use of the taxpayers’ dollars. This is true with the general revenue budget, but especially important as we begin to budget the funds generated by the 2017 tax passed by the voters.
We must ensure that principles, processes, and procedures that we might apply in private business are applied at the county, when and where applicable. We must ensure best business practices are applied at the county.

We must ensure we do everything possible to retain and attract businesses to Greene County, including pro-business regulations, ensuring our County road infrastructure remains top notch and that the County is easy and prompt to interact with for businesses and citizens.

What is a Commissioner
​The Greene County Commission is the executive body of Greene County. It is the Commission's job to enact ordinances, resolutions and policies, supervise the activities of county governments, fix salaries, adopt the annual budget, provide for construction and other services, and conduct hearings on planning and zoning matters in the county. The Commission is comprised of three elected officials (Presiding, District 1 and District 2) serving four-year terms.
A Commissioner's most important role is staying in touch with constituents in Greene County. A Commissioner seeks input from citizens about what they want for various issues and problems facing the county.